Catalog #: E03A0851
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Mouse Apolipoprotein B100 ELISA kit

Apo B100;  Apo B-100; Apo B-48;  ApoB 48; APOB protein; FLDB

Research Area



Apolipoprotein B is a major protein constituent of chylomicrons (apo B-48), LDL (apo B-100) and VLDL (apo B-100). Apo B-100 functions as a recognition signal for the cellular binding and internalization of LDL particles by the apoB/E receptor.Involvement in disease: Defects in APOB are a cause of hypobetalipoproteinemia familial type 1 (FHBL1) . A disorder characterized by highly reduced plasma concentrations of low density lipoproteins, and dietary fat malabsorption. Clinical presentation may vary from no symptoms to severe gastrointestinal and neurological dysfunction similar to abetalipoproteinemia. Defects in APOB are a cause of familial ligand-defective apolipoprotein B-100 (FDB). FDB is a dominantly inherited disorder of lipoprotein metabolism leading to hypercholesterolemia and increased proneness to coronary artery disease (CAD). The plasma cholesterol levels are dramatically elevated due to impaired clearance of LDL particles by defective APOB/E receptors.