Catalog #: E03S0174
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Mouse Sushi Repeat Containing Protein X Linked 2 ELISA kit

SRPX2, BPP, CBPS, PMGX, RESDX, SRPUL, sushi repeat containing protein, X-linked 

Research Area



SRPX2 is a 465 amino acid secreted protein expressed in neurons of the brain, including the rolandic area. It has been suggested that SRPX2 enhances cell motility, migration and adhesion through FAK signaling in gastric and other cancer cells. Localized to the cytoplasm, SRPX2 is a ligand for uPAR (urokinase plasminogen activator), a receptor that is a crucial component of the extracellular plasminogen proteolysis system. SRPX2 may be responsible for rolandic seizures (RSs) associated with oral and speech dyspraxia and mental retardation (MR). The involvement of SRPX2 in these disorders suggests an important role for SRPX2 in the perisylvian region critical for language and cognitive development.