Catalog #: E03H1356
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Mouse Heparin binding growth factor 1 ELISA kit

FGF1; ECGF; AFGF; ECGFA; ECGFB; FGF-Alpha; FGFA; HBGF1; ECGFB; HBGF1; Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor; heparin-binding growth factor 1; Endothelial Cell Growth Factor

Research Area

Cancer, Neuroscience, Signal Transduction, Cardiovascular


FGF1 also designated Heparin-binding growth factor 1 precursor (HBGF-1) ; Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF). heparin-binding growth factors are angiogenic agents in vivo and are potent mitogens for a variety of cell types in vitro. There are differences in the tissue distribution and concentration of these 2 growth factors. Subunit si monomer.FGF1 belongs to the heparin-binding growth factors family. may play a role in neurite outgrowth; may regulate cell differentiation in the nervous system; may act in synergy with fibronectin to enhance neuronal cell adhesion.