Catalog #: E03O0300
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Mouse Orexins ELISA kit

HCRT; PPOX; Orexin A; Hypocretin 1; Orexin B; Hypocretin 2; Preproorexin; Hypocretin Neuropeptide Precursor

Research Area

Neuroscience, Metabolism


Orexin A (hypocretin 1) a 33 amino acid peptide and orexin B (hypocretin 2), a 28 amino acid peptide, are both derived from a common 130 amino acid precursor, prepro orexin. Orexin A and Orexin B stimulate food consumption when administered intracerebroventricularly to rats. Orexin gene expression in the brain is highly restricted to distinct populations of neurons located in specific hypothalamic regions, including the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), a region implicated in feeding behaviour. Orexin A and orexin B bind to and activate two closely related G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), termed Orexin 1 (OX1) and Orexin 2 (OX2) receptors. Dysfunction of the orexin peptide system has been linked to narcolepsy.