Catalog #: E03C2118
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Mouse Cysteine and glycine rich protein 3 ELISA kit

CSRP3; CLP; CMD1M; CMH12; CRP3; Mlp; Cysteine-rich protein 3; LIM domain protein, cardiac

Research Area

Epigenetics and Nuclear Signaling, Cardiovascular


This gene encodes a member of the CSRP family of LIM domain proteins, which may be involved in regulatory processes important for development and cellular differentiation. The LIM/double zinc-finger motif found in this protein is found in a group of proteins with critical functions in gene regulation, cell growth, and somatic differentiation. Mutations in this gene are thought to cause heritable forms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in humans. Alternatively spliced transcript variants with different 5' UTR, but encoding the same protein, have been found for this gene.