Catalog #: E03B0736
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Mouse BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2 ELISA kit

BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2

Research Area

Signal transduction, Metabolism, Cancer, Cell Biology


BAG proteins compete with Hip for binding to the Hsc70/Hsp70 ATPase domain and promote substrate release. All the BAG proteins have an approximately 45-amino acid BAG domain near the C terminus but differ markedly in their N-terminal regions. The predicted BAG2 protein contains 211 amino acids. The BAG domains of BAG1, BAG2, and BAG3 interact specifically with the Hsc70 ATPase domain in vitro and in mammalian cells. All 3 proteins bind with high affinity to the ATPase domain of Hsc70 and inhibit its chaperone activity in a Hip-repressible manner.