Catalog #: E01S0026
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Human Sex Hormone Binding Globulin ELISA kit

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin; ABP; Androgen binding protein; SBP; Sex steroid binding protein; SHBG; TEBG; Testis specific androgen binding protein; Testosterone binding beta globulin; Testosterone Estradiol Binding Globulin; Testosterone estrogen binding globulin; Sex hormone-binding globulin; Sex steroid-binding protein; Testis-specific androgen-binding protein; Testosterone-estradiol-binding globulin; TeBG; Testosterone-estrogen-binding globulin

Research Area

Signal transduction


Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a glycoprotein synthesized by the liver. Circulating androgen and estrogen concentrations influence SHBG synthesis. Elevated testosterone, for example, causes SHBG synthesis to decrease, whereas high estrogen stimulates SHBG production. The regulation of SHBG synthesis, combined with SHBG's higher affinity for testosterone, impacts bioavailable testosterone levels. SHBG binds up to 98 percent of the steroid hormones in the blood including 5a-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), testosterone and androstenediol with particularly high affinity, and estradiol and estrone with slightly lower affinity.