Catalog #: E01F0004
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Human Fibronectin ELISA kit

CIG; Cold insoluble globulin; ED B; ED-B; fibronectin 1; FINC; FN 1 FN1; FNZ; GFND; GFND2; LETS; Migration stimulating factor; MSF; Transformation sensitive protein; Fibronectin; Cold-insoluble globulin

Research Area

Cardiovascular, Signal Transduction, Stem Cells, Cancer, Developmental Biology


This gene encodes fibronectin, a glycoprotein present in a soluble dimeric form in plasma, and in a dimeric or multimeric form at the cell surface and in extracellular matrix. Fibronectin is involved in cell adhesion and migration processes including embryogenesis, wound healing, blood coagulation, host defense, and metastasis. The gene has three regions subject to alternative splicing, with the potential to produce 20 different transcript variants. However, the full-length nature of some variants has not been determined.