Catalog #: E01P0085
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Human Platelet Factor 4 ELISA kit

PF4; CXCL4; PF-4; Platelet factor 4; SCYB 4; SCYB4

Research Area

Cardiovascular, Cancer, Immunology


Chemokines are a group of small (approximately 8 to 14 kD), mostly basic, structurally related molecules that regulate cell trafficking of various types of leukocytes through interactions with a subset of 7 transmembrane, G protein coupled receptors. Chemokines also play fundamental roles in the development, homeostasis, and function of the immune system, and they have effects on cells of the central nervous system as well as on endothelial cells involved in angiogenesis or angiostasis. Chemokines are divided into 2 major subfamilies, CXC and CC, based on the arrangement of the first 2 of the 4 conserved cysteine residues; the 2 cysteines are separated by a single amino acid in CXC chemokines and are adjacent in CC chemokines. CXC chemokines are further subdivided into ELR and non ELR types based on the presence or absence of a glu leu arg sequence adjacent and N terminal to the CXC motif.