Catalog #: E06O0005
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Goat Osteopontin ELISA kit

SPP1; BNSP; BSPI; ETA1; Secreted Phosphoprotein 1; Bone Sialoprotein I; Early T-Lymphocyte Activation 1; Nephropontin; Urinary stone protein; Uropontin

Research Area

Metabolism, Immunology, Neuroscience


Osteopontin (OPN), also known as bone sialoprotein I (BSP-1 or BNSP), early T-lymphocyte activation (ETA-1), secreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1), 2ar and Rickettsia resistance (Ric),is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SPP1 gene (secreted phosphoprotein 1). The murine ortholog is Spp1. Osteopontin is a SIBLING (glycoprotein) that was first identified in 1986 in osteoblasts.