Catalog #: E06G0101
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Goat Glucagon ELISA kit

GC; GCG; GLP1; GLP2; GRPP; glucagon; Glicentin-Related Polypeptide; Glucagen; Oxyntomodulin

Research Area

Signal transduction, Stem Cells, Cancer, Developmental Biology, Metabolism


Glucagon is a 29 amino acid (aa) peptide produced by the pancreas that plays a critical role in glucose metabolism and homeostasis. The Glucagon precursor mRNA is expressed by alpha cells (α-cells) of the pancreas, L cells of the intestine, and in the brain). Only the pancreatic α-cells express the prohormone convertase PC2, also called PCSK2, which is required to produce Glucagon . Intestinal L cells instead express the prohormone convertase PC1, which processes the precursor to the Glucagon-overlapping peptides glicentin and oxyntomodulin. L cells also produce two Glucagon-like peptides, GLP-1 and GLP-2 that are derived from the same Glucagon precursor and influence glucose metabolism, but do not share any common sequence with Glucagon . The aa sequence of the mature Glucagon peptide is identical in human, mouse, rat, pig, dog, horse, cow, sheep, and Xenopus.Glucagon secretion is less responsive to insulin-mediated suppression in times of high circulating glucose, causing glucagonemia, and increasing the risk of hyperglycemia. Glucagon is also regulated by some of the same messengers that regulate insulin . Leptin inhibits α-cell glucagon secretion and stimulates β-cell insulin secretion, but glucagon blunts the leptin-mediated insulin secretion. Islet α-cells express ghrelin receptors and respond to ghrelin by increasing Glucagon secretion.