Catalog #: E07F0215
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Porcine Fibrinogen Degradation Product ELISA kit

FDP; FnDP; Fibrin Split Products; Fibrin Degradation Product

Research Area



Fibrin degradation products (FDPs);  also known as fibrin split products;  are components of the blood produced by clot degeneration.[1] Clotting;  also called coagulation;  at the wound site produces a mass of fibrin threads called a net that remains in place until the cut is healed. As a cut heals;  the clotting slows down. Eventually the clot is broken down and dissolved by plasmin. When the clot and fibrin net dissolve;  fragments of protein are released into the body. These fragments are fibrin degradation products or FDPs. If your body is unable to dissolve a clot;  you may have abnormal levels of FDPs. The most notable subtype of fibrin degradation products is D-dimer.