Catalog #: E04G0153
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Rabbit Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor ELISA kit

ATF1; ATF2; HFB1-GDNF; Astrocyte-Derived Trophic Factor; Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor

Research Area

Neuroscience, Developmental Biology


Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a protein that, in humans, is encoded by the GDNF gene.GDNF is a small protein that potently promotes the survival of many types of neurons.It signals through GFRα receptors, particularly GFRα1.This gene encodes a highly conserved neurotrophic factor. The recombinant form of this protein was shown to promote the survival and differentiation of dopaminergic neurons in culture, and was able to prevent apoptosis of motor neurons induced by axotomy. The encoded protein is processed to a mature secreted form that exists as a homodimer. The mature form of the protein is a ligand for the product of the RET (rearranged during transfection) protooncogene. In addition to the transcript encoding GDNF, two additional alternative transcripts encoding distinct proteins, referred to as astrocyte-derived trophic factors, have also been described. Mutations in this gene may be associated with Hirschsprung's disease.