Catalog #: E04A0202
Sample Type: Biological samples


Other Names

Rabbit Anti-Mullerian hormone ELISA kit

MIF; MIH; MIS; Müllerian Inhibiting Factor; Müllerian Inhibiting Hormone; Müllerian Inhibiting Substance

Research Area

Signal transduction, Tags & Cell Markers


Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), also known by various other names, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the AMH gene.It is a hormone that inhibits the development of the Müllerian ducts (paramesonephric ducts) in the male embryo. Although the AMH receptor is expressed in both male and female fetuses, AMH expression has been isolated to male sertoli cells.Expression of AMH is activated by SOX9 in the male Sertoli cells and causes the irreversible regression of the Müllerian ducts.Because AMH expression is critical to sex differentiation at a specific time during fetal development, it appears to be tightly regulated by SF1, GATA factors, DAX1 and FSH.Mutations in both the AMH gene and the type II AMH receptor have been shown to cause the persistence of Müllerian derivatives in males that are otherwise normally virilized.AMH expression also occurs in ovarian granulosa cells of females postpartum, and serves as a molecular biomarker for relative size of the ovarian reserve.In humans, the number of cells in the follicular reserve can be used to predict timing of menopause.In bovine, AMH can be used for selection of females in multi-ovulatory embryo transfer programs by predicting the number of antral follicles developed to ovulation.